Summary: The aim: The key to a healthy lifestyle using the bee bread.
Proper diet can satisfy
all the needs of an organism for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
However, the fast pace of life has forced the majority of people in the modern
world to eat improperly (which entails skipping meals, fast food, insufficient
fruit and vegetable intake, excessive intake of high-fat protein food, etc.).
As a consequence, the organism lacks important vitamins and minerals, which are
necessary for maintaining health. That is a sufficient reason for raising an
alarm, which is why we must turn to bees and nature for help.
The methods: Bee products (such as honey, pollen, bee
bread and royal jelly) are important natural supplements. Bee bread (perga) is,
unlike collected pollen, a ready meal for bees and excellent food for humans at
the same time. It contains over one hundred species of fungi, over eighty yeast
types, over forty species of bacteria, as well as everything that is found in
collected pollen from flowers: proteins, vitamins and minerals. The use of bee
products is extremely important in the nutrition of children. It is commonly
used for athletes and for people who are doing intellectual work. It is good
for people with physical activity and
for the elderly people. Because itimproves the psychophysical state of
the organism, especially when physical effort is increased.
Conlusion:Bee bread is an irreplaceable supplement to
the daily diet; it is rich in high-quality protein, all essential amino acids,
carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins B as well as vitamins K, E, D and C. It is
especially rich in vitamin P (Rutin), provitamin A (β-carotene), various minerals and oligoelements (especially
potassium and iron), essential oils, enzymes, pigments and other biologically
active natural substances. As a result of the perfect balance in nature, bee
bread is the only known natural food containing all the essential nutrients
that a perfectly healthy human body requires. Bee bread will remain an
outstanding, remarkable and unique bee product for a long time.
Keywords: Bee bread, bee product, nutrition.
plays an important role in the growth and development of the body from infancy
to old age. Therefore, one should develop and nourish proper diet habits since
early childhood in order to avoid suffering from sickness later in life.
We live
in the time which provokes an unhealthy lifestyle, starting from the pollution
of the environment and food and the exposure to various toxins – which we can
hardly avoid – to unhealthy life habits that are our own responsibility. If we
want to preserve our health, we need to make certain changes in our lives as a preventive
measure. We cannot avoid some unhealthy lifestyle factors, but what we can do
is influence our own habits by accepting the best that nature, of our health,
has to offer us.
From a
man’ s perspective, life is so complicated, complex, hard, exciting, etc.
From a
bee’s perspective, it all comes down to order, work and discipline, utmost
dedication and unconditional sacrifice. Why is the story of a bee’s life so
fascinating? Apart from being the main pollinators, bees are also the miracle
of nature and we can admire their lifestyle and intelligence. Nobel Prize
winner Karl von Frisch, discovered that bees have a memory for time and space,
and they use this ability while building a new hive.
Einstein claimed that “If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man
would only have four years left to live.” Nikola Tesla also spoke of bees in
his works on them, their society and the structure in it. He considered that
structure to be a perfection and predicted that
mankind would also have the same kind of structure
at its best. We come from nature and we should return to it. There are still
undiscovered products in it which can complement our
lives. As a perfect living organism without which there would be no life on
Earth, the bee had to provide itself with a perfect diet rich in proteins,
vitamins and minerals.
little pharmacists with wings are the perfect creatures that provide us with a
wide variety of their products which they have collected in nature for our
health. Honey, pollen powder, propolis and royal jelly have been used for over
thousands of years now.
Bee pollen is essentially bee food.
Dr. Betty
Lee Morales claims “Bee Pollen is the only known food which contains every
essential nutrient needed by mankind for perfect health.
Pollen is collected by bees from flowers,
mixed with honey and other ingredients from the hive, and stored in sacs on
their hind legs to carry from one flower to another. Once the bee has collected
enough pollen, the mixture stored in their legs condenses into small granules.
Bee keepers use devices to remove this pollen to be sold as a commercial food
product for humans to eat. It’s outstanding from a nutritional perspective, as
it contains 22,7% protein, has a high level of vitamin B, including B6 and B12
which are fantastic vitamins needed this time of year for uplifting energy and
strengthening the mind. It’s a great source of vitamin C, and Rutin which
strengthens the capillary system and is one of the richest sources of
antioxidants, and includes minerals such as zinc (great for anyone with
prostate problems) as well as significant amounts of potassium, calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium,silicon,manganese, sulphur, selenium
benefits of taking this super food are extensive. It is anti-ageing as it
stimulates cell growth and repair, and has anti-cancer properties with studies
showing that it can reduce tumours.
protects against radiation and helps with the side effects of chemotherapy, and
is well known for increasing longevity, improving fertility, stimulating the
ovaries and improving libido! Honey bee pollen is a potent medicinal and
nutritional substance.
it is anti fungal, antiviral, antibiotic, antiallergic, antimicrobial,
anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anticancer, immuno-stimulating, local
anesthetic and modulates the burn wound healing process.
chemical composition varies by plant source, geographic location, climate, and
soil, to name a few. There are about 250 substances that make up bee pollen
including 24.1% proteins, 10,4% amino acids, 18.5% carbohydrates, acids
(linoleic, γ-linoleic and archaic, with phospholipids, phytosterols, especially P-sitosterol),
lipids (EFAs) , fatty acids, vitamins (provitamin A and vitamins E and D, and
water-soluble vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, and C, and acids: pantothenic,
nicotinic and folic, biotin, rutin, and inositol), macronutrients , bioelements
- micronutrients ,polyphenols - flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, and
isorhamnetin), phenolic compounds (triterpene bonds, oleanolic acids, 3-ursolic
acid, and betulin alcohol, enzymes , coenzymes.
Nutritional benefits of consuming bee pollen
studies confirmed the hypolipidemic activity of pollen which lowered the level
of lipids and cholesterol, decreased the clumping of blood platelets, lowered
the level of cholesterol in blood serum, increased the field of view,
and stabilized the visual acuity. Moreover, small doses of pollen given to
older people allowed both the inhibition of the atherosclerotic changes of
blood vessels and improvement of cerebral blood flow.
hypoglycemic activity of pollen causes a decreased ability of platelet
aggregation and increased fibrinolytic system activity which indicates the
anti-atherosclerotic effect giving protection from heart diseases and brain
detoxifying activity of pollen and bee bread from occupational diseases, heavy
metal contamination, industrial gases & dusts, and drugs (e.g., anti-rheumatic
and anti-inflammatory preparations and antibiotics) should also be mentioned.
of it’s anti-inflammatory properties pollen is recommended in acute and chronic
inflammatory conditions, initial degenerative conditions, and cholestatic liver
diseases as well as in toxic and post traumatic damages of the liver.
Better health with the use of bee pollen
As a
dietary supplement, pollen contributes to a higher vitamin C and magnesium
content in the thymus, heart muscle, and skeletal muscles as well as higher
hemoglobin content and a greater number of red blood cells. It has been shown
to regulate metabolic processes which in turn help with developmental delays,
malnutrition and surgical recovery.
the adaptogenic properties of pollen increase the resistance to harmful
physical, chemical, and biological factors. It both increases the physical
fitness when under excessive physical burden, while also improving brain
functions, such as memory, learning, comprehending, thinking, and ability to
concentrate, while simultaneously boosting the immune system against infection.
taken with antidepressants, enables the lowering of doses and improves the
overall condition in a shorter period of time. Due to this fact, there are
fewer cases of drug addictions or occurrences of side effects. Owing to its
nutritional and tonic properties as well as improvement of blood supply to
nerve tissue, pollen boosts mental capacity and strengthens the nervous system
weakened by stress or overwork. Therefore, pollen is effective in treating
physical and mental over-tiredness, asthenia, and apathy.
good effects are gained in depression caused by decreased life energy,
especially in older people. Long-term use of pollen, even in small doses, enables
gradual mood improvement, restores the desire to live, and strengthens the
organism physically.
bee collected pollencontains
about 20-30 g water per 100 g. This high humidity is an ideal culture medium for
micro-organisms like bacteria and yeast. For prevention of spoilage and for
preservation of a maximum quality the pollen has to be harvested daily and
immediately placed in a freezer. After two days of storage in the freezer, the
pest insects will be killed. After thawing pollen can be kept only for a few
hours and should be further processed as soon as possible. Fresh pollen is high
in moisture and protein and, especially when brought into the hive—which stays
around an internal temperature of 37˚C—becomes an ideal environment for mould
growth. The bees’ digestive fluids, however, are rich with lactic acid bacteria
(LAB) which come to dominate the pollen substrate when it is packed together
and sealed from the air with honey. The bacteria metabolise sugars in the pollen, producing
lactic acid and lowering the pH from 6.3 to around 4.3 well below the generally
recognised threshold for pathogenic microbial growth of 4.6.
Using: 2 tea spoons daily (approx. 10 g); children: half
Warning: It is recommended that
people who are susceptible to allergies or asthma should avoid intake of bee
Storage: store in the dark in a
cool dry place
Best before (valid after
packaging of product)
Dried pollen stored at room
temperature: 12 months
Dried pollen packed in vacuum: 24
Frozen fresh pollen stored in the
freezer: 12 months
But the
bees do not consume their pollen fresh. Instead, they take it into the hive and
pack the granules into empty comb cells, mixing them with nectar and digestive
fluids and sealing the cell with a drop of honey. Once processed in this way,
the pollen remains stable indefinitely. Beekeepers call this form of pollen
‘perga’ or ‘bee bread’ In addition to preservation the fermentation process of
the pollen also renders its nutrients more available . Some proteins are broken
down into amino acids, starches are metabolised into simple sugars, and
vitamins become more bio-available , and . In this sense, bee bread is even
more health-giving than the more commonly available fresh bee pollen.
What we
know about bee bread (perga) today (Ambrosia – the food of gods)
Bee bread
represents an indispensable addition to daily diet, abundant in high-quality
proteins, all essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, B vitamins,
vitamins K, E, D, C, especially in vitamin P (Rutin), provitamin A (Carotene),
various minerals and oligoelements (especially potassium and iron), essential
oils, enzymes, pigments, and other biologically active natural substances. As a
result of the perfect balance between flora and fauna, bee bread is the only known
natural food containing all the essential nutrients that a perfectly healthy
human body requires.No product, synthesized either naturally or artificially,
has so pronounced biological activity. It should be pointed out that,so far,
nobody has managed to make authentic bee bread with so many microorganisms. In
fact, it is possible to make some kind of a mixture that contains all the
ingredients of a genuine bee bread using baking yeast, soy flour, powdered
milk, fresh eggs, etc., but such a mixture does not contain what is essential
to bee bread– numerous microorganisms. Even if one managed to provide all those
microorganisms in artificial bee bread, they would face an insoluble problem
–in what order to add those microorganisms. It will remain a mystery for a long
time, the mystery which only bees can solve– the order of “packaging” and
processing of bee bread as well as the method of adding those microorganisms.
Hardly will anyone get the recipe from the bees. For all of the aforementioned
reasons, bee bread will remain an
outstanding, remarkable and unique bee product for a long time.
It is
very hard to obtain this bee product as bee produce it in limited amounts. Due
to its composition, it is impossible to “counterfeit
”bee bread, i.e. synthetize it
artificially.Therefore, it is a unique and unparalleled bee product.
Bees place processed pollen in honeycomb cells (up to about 2/3 of them),
whereas the rest of the cells is filled with honey. During processing pollen,
bees use over 200 microorganisms, initiating a very complex process of pollen
fermentation. Bee bread (perga) is,
unlike collected pollen, a ready meal for bees and excellent food for humans at
the same time. It contains over one hundred species of fungi, over
eighty yeast types, over forty species of bacteria, as well as everything that
is found in collected pollen from flowers: proteins, vitamins and minerals.
use of bee products is extremely important in the nutrition of children and
athletes because it improves the psychophysical state of the human body,
especially when physical effort is in creased. Apart from this, the polyvitamin
properties of this product also have a therapeutic effect. It has been
scientifically proved that the consumption of fermented pollen (bee bread) and
honey results in the rapid increase of blood haemoglobin (without any harmful
effects) and the strengthening of
blood vessel walls and the
regulation of their permeability. It also regulates hypertension and
arteriosclerosis, as well as establishes the balance between good and bad
No other natural product than bee bread contains extremely high
concentrations of vitamin P (Rutin) (13mg per 100g of bee bread), which has a
special significance for improving the condition of blood vessels. Moreover,
bee bread boosts the immune system and contributes to the reduction of fatigue.
It is used in the treatment of colitis,
chronic constipation, hepatitis and other liver function disorders, chronic
inflammation of the prostate, as well as male sterility and impotence. In
addition, traditional Chinese medicine uses bee bread to activate weakened
ligaments of the eye, prevent bleeding in the eye retina, and for the treatment
of damaged skin resulting from the use of radiotherapy.
Bee bread is known to
have a strong antiseptic effect on a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms.
Its use is also recommended in memory disorders (especially in the elderly),
cerebral cortex inflammation and nervous and psychiatric disorders. It is used
in heart disorders, gastritis, endocrine glands disorders, duodenal ulcer,
decreased libido, various allergies, or after catching a cold or the influenza..Bee
bread contributes to the regeneration of intestinal flora damaged by the use of
medicines and it allows going on safe weight-loss diets, without the danger of
running into essential substance deficiencies in the body .It improves
intra-uterine nutrition without harmful effects on the fetus and also helps it
to gain weight and increase the levels of haemoglobin, total protein, serum
iron, and albumins .
Some experiments have shown that animals which had bee
bread added to their diet eat 15 to 20 per cent less than they normally do, but
they continue to develop in the same manner, while the quality of their meat
improves.This suggests that it is possible for humans to go ona weight-loss
diet with the use of bee bread without fear of side effects while, at the same
time, their health condition would improve. Bee bread abounds in high-quality
proteins, all essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins (B1,
B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B10, B11, B12, E, D, K, C, F, and P), etc. Vitamin K
provides good blood clotting, is a blood coagulation factor and prevents
internal bleeding. Vitamin C represents a wide range catalyst, an antioxidant
and it stimulates the heart and blood vessels. It also improves the resistance
of the body to infectious diseases. Moreover, it activates many enzymes, lowers
cholesterol levels and eliminates fatigue. Vitamin P (Rutin) is an active
element found only in bee bread at such a high concentration – 13 mg per 100 g
of bee bread – and in no other natural product. It strengthens the walls of
blood vessels, regulates their permeability as well as makes the walls of
capillaries tighter. Today, this active substance is also known as the vitamin
of youth.
It is
known that Ca and P together affect the formation and preservation of healthy
teeth and bones, but they are also very important for defending the body
against stress and allergies. Ca (calcium) and Mg (magnesium) regulate the
metabolism of carbohydrates. Fe (iron) and Co (cobalt) help in the formation of
red blood cells. J (iodine) and Mn (manganese) are necessary for the normal
functioning of the thyroid gland, proper growth and muscle reflexes. Zn (zinc)
is necessary for the synthesis of proteins and vital DNA, which is the basic structural
component of the nucleus of every cell.Furthermore, it is very important for
the cell division and the exchange of gases in the lungs. Se (selenium)
prevents the aging of cells, enhances the vitality and resistance of the body,
has got antioxidant properties, neutralizes certain carcinogenic cells and
protects the body from them.
enzymes have been found in bee bread so far: catalase, amylase, diastase,
invertase, phosphatase, ribonuclease, peroxidise . What distinguishes bee bread
from pollen is the existence of free amino acids. Free amino acids are the
basic components of body albumins and they are very important for the division
and formation of cells. This is why the use of bee bread is very important for
all growth processes as additional food, both for growing children’s nutrition
and for adults in recovery after long and severe illness.
Bee bread
is more acidic than bee pollen
Bee pollen
Bee bread
Lactic acid
Bee bread
pH 4.3, well below the generally recognized
threshold for pathogenic microbial
growth of 4.6.
Why is
bee bread superior to bee pollen?
™ 37 fatty acids were determined in a study, (As it
was shown in a 2016 study by Kaplan M et al.,.)
™ Unsaturated to saturated fatty acids ratio ranged
between 1.38 and 2.39, indicating that bee bread can be a good source of
unsaturated fatty acids.
™ A high amount of the healthy n-3 fatty acids was
™ The ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 to n-6 reached
a value of 8.42 and 3.35 in the latter products.
™ Bee bread can be a good source of unsaturated fatty
™ Compared to frozen pollen or dried pollen and due to
the fermentation process, bee bread has almost an unlimited guarantee.
How to
Bee bread
is used in two ways. The first one is the use of bee bread in the original form
of granules, by dissolving a few granules in the mouth for as long as possible.
It is
best to use bee bread half an hour before a meal, by dissolving the granules in
the mouth for as long as possible. This way, useful substances are absorbed
even in the mucous membranes of the mouth.
way is the use of bee bread in honey in such a way that 60 g of crumbled bee
bread is mixed with 1 kg of honey.
mixture with honey is used: (a) for adults, 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day; (b) for
children aged 2-4 years: 1/3 of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day; (c) for children
aged 4-12 years:1/2of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day.
It can be
used once a day (in the morning) or twice a day (in the morning and in the
evening), half an hour before a meal, by slowly dissolving bee bread in the
mouth, without the use of water. After the intake of bee bread, one should
avoid consuming beverages for at least another thirty minutes.
Due to
its outstanding quality and diverse composition, bee bread is an irreplaceable
supplement to the daily diet. The use of bee bread is very significant for
nutrition from early youth to old age – it improves the psychophysical state of
the human body, especially when physical effort is increased. Apart from this,
the polyvitamin properties of this product also have a therapeutic effect.
Man is created and born to live to the
fullest, be healthy and happy. Take the perfection of nature and bees into your
Bee bread is an irreplaceable supplement to the
daily diet;
it is rich in high-quality protein, all essential
amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins, various minerals
and oligoelements (especially potassium and iron), essential oils,
enzymes, pigments and other biologically active natural substances.
As a result of the perfect balance in nature,
bee bread is
the only known natural food containing all the essential nutrients that a
perfectly healthy human body requires.
Bee bread
will remain an outstanding, remarkable and unique bee product for a long time.
Api Friends from all around the world
Prof Sonata Trumbeckaite - Lithuania
Mr Eugen Bădețoiu - Romania
Pushpendra Singh Bhandari- India
Dr Stefan Stangaciu- Romania
Dr Verica Milojkovic (Serbia)
Specialist of General Medicine , (Family physician specialist)
Licensed Api-Phytotherapist
President of the Serbian Apitherapy Society
Executive member of the International Federation of Apitherapy
E-mail: vericamilojkovic@gmail.com www.apiterapija.rs
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