четвртак, 6. новембар 2014.

PROPOLIS-protiv rana koje teško zarastaju! Abstrakt rada Prvog Internacionalnog kongresa Apiterapije (oktobar 2014-Rumunija)

Oktobra 2014 u Rumuniji u mestu Brašov, održan je Prvi Internacionalni kongres Apiterapije, na kome je učestvovao veliki broj poznatih svetskih predavača iz ove oblasti. Na konkresu je učestvovala i Dr Verica Milojković i tom prilikom izložila svoj rad na temu dejstva propolisa na rane koje teško zarastaju-klinička istraživanja.

Dr Verica je prisutnima prezentovala nekoliko jako uspešnih slučajeva izlečenja rana, metodom uz pomoć propolisa koja se pokazala izuzetno delotvornom kod najtežih slučajeva rana pacijenata.

Deo rada Dr Verice predstavljamo u originalu, kako je predstavljen i publici u Rumuniji.

"Propolis against chronic non-healing wounds. Clinical cases

 Dr Verica Milojkovic (Serbia).
 Specialist of General medicine
 Licence  Apiterapist
 President of the Serbian Apiterapy Society

The problem of conventional medicine in the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds can be solved by using propolis. The aim of my work is to give evidence on the successful treatment of chronic wounds with propolis. Propolis has proved to have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anesthetic, antioxidant and regenerative effect. The introduction of propolis in the treatment of wounds has given the encouraging results and it has been a challenge for the doctors-apitherapists.

After treating the wounds by using the methods of conventional medicine with no success, Serbian propolis has been introduced as a therapy. The patients have taken propoplis orally and applied it locally on the wound. They have also taken high doses of vitamin C. The patients have been elderly people with chronic diseases and atypical wounds in autoimmune diseases. The introduction of propolis in the treatment of wounds has provided quick therapeutic effect, rehabilitated the infection of the wound, stopped inflammation and accelerated regeneration of damaged tissue. For some wounds, it has taken only 30 days to create a scar, while the larger wounds have healed in 3-4 months. Such results indicate the possibility to make a clinical study including a larger number of patients.

Propolis, a medical miracle from a hive, has given encouraging results in the treatment of chronic wounds. It is a safe and cost-saving treatment; it enables the wounds to heal in a shorter period of time, faster recovery and better quality of life.

KEY WORDS – chronic wounds, Serbian propolis, vitamin c

Dr Verica Milojkovic
Specialist of General medicine

President of the Serbian Apiterapy Society

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